Saturday, September 16, 2006

One more week away......

Yes!!! 7 more days away from our next big festival celebration. That is Mid Autumn Festival Celebration. This year's celebration is being filled up with performances, games and outdoor lantern carrying outside the home. We will get our elderly to get out of Silra Home after the performance and games for a walk with the lantern. This is the 1st time that we will be doing such a walk. Hope the weather will be great for us to do so. Well, other than this interesting walk, we also have Rimei to cook a nice dinner for the elderly and the nice mooncakes bought by Carol & Shuyi. Heeding advice from the admin staff (Angie), the mooncake distributed will be a very small portion. 1/8 piece of a big baked mooncake (3 flavours) and 1/4 piece of a small snowskin mooncake.

SO... What are you waiting for?

Note down the date in your reminder or calendar.

Date: 23/09/06
Time: 4pm
Venue: Where else???

See you all next saturday!!!

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