Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kaya Loti 9 April 2011

- Look at us we are "Toats !!!"

-A New comer meeting, on what is our day's activities.

-Today we are having Kaya Loti for our elderly. Say hello to our Man in Red, a nice guy next door :).

-Busy ...busy..with the dressing up with our Toated bread :D.

-New comers and Yi Yuan is BBQing the bread ha.ha.. and half polishing the bread's with kaya.

-Ray Feng is a wonderful music master.....when he plays the Yang Sing...our ear hurts...just kidding :P

-What a lovely couple......stop posing for the camera and work ....elderlies are hungry.

-Oh look, she is giving the bread a shifty massage :D.

-Ingredians which clamp between the two cusions and where will they landed the stomarch of course !! =D

- Cut cut chop chop very hard working, wonder if there are any lovely shape being cut out of the normal bread.

-Pei Song uncle is teaching the new comer on how to bake the best bread it town, which you can smell the baking of bread from a far.

-All time singing contest will be won by this lovely lady here, as her good singing have won the claps of our elderly.

-Execrise time, up down up down, left right left right. Move your msucles grandpa and grandma. It will do good for your hands and legs.
-While the elderlys are doing their execrises, the volunteers are doing the toating of bread and sadines :)..yummy.

-Triangular shape.....will try doing different shape next time :)

-These are the kayas we use..simple but tasty :)

- shake your bottoms and shake your hips and will be even better if viewers can hear what songs they have :)
-Friendly bunch of friends coming together to volunteer.
-Adidas forever about "Money is GOD"

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